"background": "DIRS/river.gif", //DO NOT TOUCH | it's your current wallpaper
"json_interact": "",//DO NOT TOUCH | load json interact
"first": false, //DO NOT TOUCH | for open option window if you first use
"custom_files": [],//DO NOT TOUCH | all your custom files loading in app
"last": "3.3.2", //DO NOT TOUCH | your current version
"extend_delete": [], //DO NOT TOUCH | if you have remove an extension
"extend_unload": [], //DO NOT TOUCH | if you have unloaded an extension
"extend_update": [], //DO NOT TOUCH | if you have an update for extension
"timeOnActive": 5000, //OPTIONAL default: 5000
"maxFPS": 60, //OPTIONAL default: 60
"auto_start": true //OPTIONAL default: true